Frame 7.jpg


To push our Lost & Found experience further, now the Tile’s users have the option to enter their contact information after marking their Tile as lost. If someone finds the lost item, they can simply scan the QR code to see the owner’s contact information, and reach out to the user.

What problem/s are we solving?

  • About 20% of Tiles marked as lost are not found (location doesn’t get updated) within two weeks.

  • When the location of a Tile gets updated, it doesn’t necessarily mean the owner has found the lost item.

  • There is no way for customers to find their Tile if the battery is dead.

My role

UX, UI, concept validation, user testing, prototyping.

Project launch date



How Contact The Owner works



Sketch a story to show one user scenario for this project

Frame 11.jpg

Concept validation

To validate if people gonna actually scan the QR code and return the item to the owner. I printed some QR codes and glued them on the Tile. Our PM coded a temporary website to show the contact information after the user scans the QR code. I randomly dropped them around the bay area. You can see the pins on the map below that’s where I dropped the Tile.

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Testing results

  • In 3 days. There are 10 out of 18 places where someone picked up the keys and contacted me either by phone or message. 6 out of 11 were found in the indoor area, 4 out of 7 were found in the outdoor areas.

  • 7 people called me. 3 people messaged. Out of 7 people who called me, 3 people are female. 4 people are male. 

  • Out of 10 people who contacted me, 6 people said they can return the keys in person. 4 said they will drop the keys at store front desk.

Frame 6.jpg

Flow map for the Tile’s owner & the finder

Frame 2.jpg

Tile QR code design

Frame 3.jpg

UI- Mark Tile as lost & Add contact info

Frame 4.jpg

UI- Turn off Notify When Found, receive PN if someone scans your Tie

Frame 5.jpg

UI- Finder scans the QR code, web page with contact information